Welcome to week four of the Peer Coaching OOC!
This week we will learn about self-coaching. This is a very helpful instrument for learning the coaching process, getting used to it and to structure yourself.

In this week there will be almost nothing to be read, but to try out! Remember next week will be our first on-line meeting where we can discuss first impressions.
Week 4 Activities
Asynchronous activities
Synchronous event
- No synchronous event this week!
- read through the material (see asynchronous activities)
- try to use the self-coaching guide
- Give feedback on this weeks material!
Weiß, Josef (1991). Selbst-Coaching. Persönliche Power und Kompetenz gewinnen. Paderborn: Junfermann Verlag
Wolf, Carmen (2014). EmployID: resource intervision model I & II. Draft (2014, August 15)
Wolf, Carmen (2013). EmployID: Self-Coaching. Draft (2013, December 06)
Wolf, Carmen (2014; in prep.). The Trouble with Systemic Solution-oriented Self E-Coaching – Emotions as a key factor in changing patterns. Upcoming Workshop Proceedings of MATEL 2014