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Welcome to Pontydysgu’s place for developing e-learning content.

Everything here is licensed by Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike

Yes, you can use anything you find here in your own courses, yes you can alter things and repurpose them but please share the love – keep it free and open.
Creative Commons License
Pontydysgu MOOC by Pontydysgu Ltd is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at pont-mooc.eu.


How creative are you?

Creativity is a skill which can be learned.

A good place to start could be to find out how creative you already are. Take the test in the link below (or find your own test online). Make a note of your score, revisit it in the future (after working on some of our creativity tutorials) to see if it has improved.


Other ideas;

Test your divergent thinking; In 2 minutes or less – how many uses can you think of for a paperclip? How about a brick? A chair?

Test yourself at different times of the day, after a coffee, queuing in the canteen… When were you at your most creative? You might surprise yourself.

Asyncronous Peer Coaching

What do we need for an asynchronous peer coaching?

  • someone who is offering us a “problem/challenge” to work on (client)
  • someone who participates as a peer coaching facilitator
  • many other persons who participate as advisors
  • a tool that has a forum/team board -> we will use TalkReflect for that -> Link to group NOTE: You need to be part of the peer coaching group within TalkReflect to work in this part of the TalkReflect App. This is closed to those who registered for the Intervision OOC.
  • the concept model (intervison concept I or II) see here
  • a time shedule
  • Motivation!!! 🙂

Possible time shedule:

  • 25.11.- 01.12.2014 Roles & Rules (ALL)
    • Pablo: peer coaching facilitator; Carmen: client; peer coaching OOC participants: advisors
  • 01.12.2014 Problem & situation (Client)
    • Problem: “How to follow up with the MOOC during work?”
  • 02.12.2014 Vision& resources (Intervision facilitator & client)
  • 02.-05.12.2014 Collecting resources (Advisors)
  • 08.12.2014 Setting goals (Client& Intervision Facilitator)
  • 08.12.2014- 11.12.2014 Solutions (Advisors)
  • 11.12.2014 Solution & next steps (Client)
  • 12.12.2014  Feedback (ALL)



Remember the process of the peer coaching?

Self-coaching can be structured in the same way!

bluebell walk
Forest © Microsoft Office 2014

Summary – Peer Coaching concept I structure:

  • Phase 1:  Problem & situation
  • Phase 2:  Vision, resources
  • Phase 3: Collecting resources
  • Phase 4: Setting goals
  • Phase 5: Solution & next steps

Guidline for EmployID Self-Coaching:

Phase 1: Problem & situation

  • Which concern would you like to work on?
  • How would you describe the actual problem curtly and bold?
  • What have you tried so far to solve the problem?
  • How far are other persons concerned by the problem situation?
  • Can you feel the problem physically or spring suitable pictures or metaphors to your mind?
  • If your problem is solved optimal, how will you recognize it?

Phase 2: Vision, resources

  • Imagine you’re on holiday and your problem has been solved overnight. What happened to solve your problem?
    • How do you feel now that the problem is solved?
    • Can you feel anything physically after the problem is solved? What do you feel?
    • Which thoughts are running through your mind now that the problem is solved?

Phase 3: Collecting resources

  • What helped you in past resembling situations?
  • Fill you resource wheel with resources that could help you in the current situation.
    • Think of internal resources such as strengths, values, capabilities.
    • Think of external resources such as other persons, communities, tools.

Phase 4: Setting goals

  • How will you recognize in your actual situation that the problem has been solved?
    What’s different?
  • Which goals can you derive for your concern?
    • To which part of my concern refers the goal?
    • How can I notice that I have reached my goal?
    • How attractive and challenging is reaching the goal for myself?
    • How realistic is my goal?
    • Till when is the goal to be reached?

Phase 4: Solution & next steps

  • How can you put your goal/ goals into practice?
  • What are possible steps?

Now, you can start your Self-Coaching right away!

One step futher: Receiving feedback!

If you want you can improve your Self-Coaching process by getting others involved in giving you feedback just like in the peer coaching.

In Phase 3 ask others (collagues, friends, family) about what they think are your internal and external resources. You can also take the resource heel as help.

After clearifing the goal, you can ask others (collagues, friends, family, even strangers) on their ideas for solutions and next steps.