Welcome to week two of the Peer Coaching OOC!
“This type refers to a specific form of coaching carried out among colleagues. The members of the group take turns in adopting the role of coach and thus provide coaching to each other. All members are responsible for the coaching process. Synonyms are: “Intervision”, “Collegial Coaching”.” (Ajdukovic et. al 2014, p. 28).
Week 2 Activities
Asynchronous activities
Synchronous event
- No synchronous event this week!
- read through the material (see asynchronous activities)
- collect questions you have on the concept I process and discuss them within the TalkReflectApp
- Give feedback on this weeks material!
Berg, Thomas E. & Berninger-Schäfer, Elke (2010). Die Kollegiale Coaching Konferenz. Stuttgart: Boorberg Verlag.
Berninger-Schäfer, Elke (2011). Orientierung im Coaching. Stuttgart: Boorberg Verlag.
Lippmann, Eric (2009). Intervision. Kollegiales Coaching professionell gestalten. Heidelberg: Springer Medizin Verlag.
Wolf, Carmen (2014). EmployID: resource intervision model I & II. Draft (2014, August 15)