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*Week 5 | Preperation Peer Coaching group

Welcome to week five of the Peer Coaching OOC!

This week we will discuss the peer coaching OOC so far. Your experiences of the past weeks on shedule, content, interaction etc.

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There will be no asynchronous activity this week, but please collect some discussion content for this weeks first synchronous event.

Week 5 Activities

Asynchronous activities

    • No asynchronous event this week!

Synchronous event

  • Friday, 21st November 2014 from 10:00 to 11:00 CET (Link for the FM will be sent by E-Mail)



    • reflect on how the peer coaching OOC is working for you untill now:
      • Think about the input given. Is that enough? Do you need more/less?
      • Does the struture make sense?
      • What do you feel is missing?
      • How can you integrate the learning in the Intervision OOC inbetween your work? Is is possible? How is it possible?


no resources used this week

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