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*Resource activating tools

Resource wheel

Resource wheel
own image

The resources wheel is a possibility to collect strengths and resources of an individual in an easy and appealing way. Just draw a circle or use a round card and defined draw in slices such as in a cake. For every slice resources or strengths can be added.

There are internal resources like strengths, health & your values and external resources like nature events, family & friends, moments of pure happiness, successes, and so on.

Resource Mind-Map

There are other ways to visualize resources e.g. in a Mind-Map.

Resource Tree

Resource tree © Microsoft Office 2014

Another very popular way is the resource tree. At the bottom is the level of the roots, it follows in the middle the level of the trunk and above the level of the treetop. Then there are branches, too.

The level of the roots is for:

  • basics of development
  • relationships
  • values
  • what “nurtures” and what is needed to grow.

The level of the trunk is for:

  • abilities
  • skills
  • experiences
  • developments (CV)
  • characteristics
  • strengths

The level of the treetop:

  • Possibilities
  • Wishes

The branches stand for:

  • Reached goals
  • Set goals

(Berninger-Schäfer 2008, pp. 38; Berninger-Schäfer 2011, p. 101)


Berninger-Schäfer, Elke (2008). Interventionsmethoden im Coaching. Führungsakademie Baden-Württemberg: Karlsruhe. [not published training material]

Sicinski, Adam (2014). How to Create a Life Resource List. IQ Matrix Blog. URL: (09.04.2014)

Berninger-Schäfer, Elke (2011). Orientierung im Coaching. Stuttgart: Boorberg Verlag


July 15, 2015

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