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*Coaching in EmployID

In EmployID project we will have a few forms fo coaching presented to the PES. Since the project is meant to be sustainable and cost-effective there was much thinking on how to bring E-Coaching into the project without forcing the project partners to install professionall coaches at their organizations. Two forms of coaching are perfect for doing coaching without a professional coach: self coaching and peer coaching.

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“In self coaching people are coaching themselves. As there is no coach available, you have to be very open to listen to your own feelings and emotions, and be motivated enough to work on yourself. There are no upcoming coach sessions to remind you of the fact that you have to work on your goals and no money lost if you don’t show up for a session. All you can rely on is you and no one else.” (Schriel, 2010)

In EmployID self-coaching can be seen as a first quick intervention for finding solutions to current problems. Self-e-coaching, meaning the use of technical devices for self-coaching is one possibility to work ad hoc on certain problems. Self-Coaching will be explained in more detail during this (M)OOC since it is a factastic method to learn the process of coaching.


“This type refers to a specific form of coaching carried out among colleagues. The members of the group take turns in adopting the role of coach and thus provide coaching to each other. All members are responsible for the coaching process. Synonyms are: “Intervision”, “Collegial Coaching”.” (Ajdukovic et. al, 2014, p. 28).

Peer coaching is a method where group members can actively faciliate each other on finding solutions for their problems. In this week you will be invited to read about the peer coaching concept that was first introduced in a workshop at a summer school in Malta by Pablo and me. Actually there are two concepts: One is for working on a group members individual problem and one if there can be group problems identified to work on a groups problem.

The Peer-E-Coaching will be performed with the currently used tools for  videoconferencing as a start till the first prototype from this project can be tested. 🙂

Coaching combinded with Reflection

In the course of the project there will be serveral ways of combining coaching with reflection. More detailed information will be collected within a concept for workpackage 4. A short introduction was made by Michael & Oliver in Ljubljana Meeting.

Coaching as Facilitation

“In EmployID facilitation not only takes place through the methods used by the identified facilitators in their specific facilitator roles, but will also be supported or conducted by the technology used to facilitate individual, group and organizational development. For e-coaching there are two major tasks: the development of a self-e-coach tool for self-coaching and a tool for peer coaching (intervision) that will be referred to as e-intervision.” (Bimrose et. al, 2014, p. 4)


Ajdukovic, Marina; Cajvert, Lilja; Judy, Michaela; Knopf, Wolfgang; Kuhn, Hubert; Madai, Krisztina & Voogd, Mieke (2014). ECVision. A European Glossary of Supervision and Coaching. Retrieved from (14.08.2014)

Bimrose, Jenny; Brown, Alan; Holocher-Ertl, Teresa; Kieslinger, Barbara; Kunzmann, Christine; Prilla, Michael; Schmidt, Andreas P. & Wolf, Carmen (2014). Introducing learning innovation in public employment services. What role can facilitation play? In: Proceedings of International Conference on E-Learning at the Workplace (ICELW) 2014, New York City, USA, June 11-13, 2014 Retrieved from

Patrick Schriel. Coaching & Training. Retrieved from (14.08.2014)


July 15, 2015

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